August 28, 2010

California Vacation!

On July 31-August 8th, we took our family vacation to California and had the best time! We stayed with friends, Hyrum and Becky, with their cute kids for most of the trip and then with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Brandon and Diana, for a couple nights. We went to Disneyland twice, to the beach, swimming in Hyrum and Becky's backyard, to the L.A. Zoo, and to a place like Kangaroo Zoo. The rest of the time was spent visiting and eating lots of yummy food together! :)
Family with a Toy Story soldier

Nicole had a hard time choosing a suvenir!We went to a Colors Show at night, which was amazing!

Snow White!

Belle- Nicole tried to take her with us!

Tiana!Brandon and Diana w/ Alyssa
L.A. Zoo, which has tons of hills and gave me small contractions walking all day up them! Also, it was extremely hot so we don't have a lot of animal pictures because most of them were sleeping in the shade :)
Jungle place like Kangaroo Zoo (can't remember the name)
Will, Alyssa, and Dewey

How could Nicole cry on a toy that looks like Nemo?!Baby Tyler and I at the beach :)
Other people built this ship and left it, which brought great happiness to our kids

Hyrum and Becky's cute daughter, Ellie!
Alyssa and I having fun with the waves

Nicole HATES the beach! She hated the sand and got sunscreen in her eyes! She wouldn't stop crying, so Will and I took turns with her in the van almost the whole time at the beach while she calmed down to the movie, "The Little Mermaid."
Dumbo- one of the few rides I could go on
'N' is for Nicole!
'A' is for Alyssa!
Hyrum and Becky's boy, Dewey, and Alyssa in line for the Toy Story ride
Love this picture!
Hyrum and Becky's boy, Timmy, showing us his cute pretzel fingers!
Swimming in Hyrum and Becky's backyard

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