July 19, 2007

Alyssa's First Time Swimming

On June 30th, we took Alyssa swimming for the first time at Grandpa Whitaker's community pool. She loved it and kept splashing water in our faces. Will, Diana, and Catherine played other games while Julie and Alyssa warmed themselves in the sun. Will always makes fun of me because I get cold so easily, but it appears Alyssa follows after me in this area. I had to take Alyssa out of the pool because she started shaking and her lips were turning blue. After warming up, I changed Alyssa's diaper, which had about 4 pounds of water in it.

1 comment:

Lindy Salmon said...

EVERYONE in GA has access to a pool. It's crazy. So Anya has been swimming for half of her 7 month life! She loves it too. Keep posting! I love seeing pictures of Alyssa.