Happy Birthday, Hubbercup! For Will's birthday he and I went on a date and we played golf, which was my first time, ate at Iggy's Sports Grill, ate Cold Stone ice cream, and rented movies. We also celebrated with Will's side of the family at the Mayan restaurant for dinner and we played miniature golf afterwards. With my side of the family we had a dinner with homemade Cafe Rio pork salads and burritos. Then, Will's mom came up and made him a yummy dinner with this amazing oatmeal cake and gave him a Star Wars movie. Will also got golf shoes for his birthday. If you can't tell, Will loves to golf and eat mexican food!
For Labor Day we went to Thanksgiving Point barn and Alyssa had a blast! I just noticed I didn't get any pictures of Nicole, but it's probably because she was hot and fussy! Also, notice in the last picture Will is ready to grab Alyssa in case the pony bit her, since there was a sign on the gate that read, "I bite."
Isn't this the cutest pink chair?! I found it online and it is usually in Alyssa's room, but the girls wanted to sit in it to watch a movie. The cute rocking chair Alyssa is sitting in was one I grew up with.
These pictures don't really do justice to how the girls feel when daddy comes home. Every day they both run to him, snuggle, play, and wrestle. These girls are so lucky to have Will for a dad.
I love that Alyssa and Nicole are playing together more and despite that they have their little fights, they have times when they are completely sweet with each other.
Alyssa is pretty much potty trained as of a couple weeks a go. We borrowed our friend's "Potty Power" movie and that helped inspire her, but mostly I think she just wanted to wear princess underwear. At the beginning she used to sit for a while and read. Now I just need her to go potty in public toilets! Still, wait to go Alyssa!
Happy 1st Birthday, Nicole! You are a precious gift to our family and we adore your happy personality and sweet disposition. You bring so much joy into our lives and we love you!
Nicole and Grandma Whitaker
We celebrated with the Hacking side after your birthday with pizza and cake.
Nicole and Grandpa Hacking.
Aunt Tiffany and Grandma Hacking
Cousins!Sick cousin Savannah Uncle Scott and Grandpa Hacking Aunt Megan, Uncle Timo, and Aunt Sara
Nicole eating her favorite food pizza!Butterfly birthday cake! Grandpa Whitaker and Omi brought Nicole a present, a ride on horse! On Nicole's birthday we had a dinner with our little family and opened her present, which was picnic food that crinkles, jingles, and squeaks! Nicole ate 2 pieces of pizza!
The Whitaker side celebrated Nicole's birthday a couple days early in Durango. Aunt Linda and I made a bathtub cake that did not turn out due to lack of time and resources.