May 29, 2007
Two Bottom Teeth
I couldn't resist showing this picture of Alyssa with only her two bottom teeth. Now she has 4 upper teeth coming in! I'm going to miss her cheesy smile with only her two bottom teeth, but it's also exciting to see more teeth come in. Alyssa loves to talk. She can say cheeto, bear, mama, dada, daddy, diaper, more, baby, hi, boo, uh-oh, ruff ruff (she loves dogs), and said Jesus once. She tries to copy what we say and yesterday she tried to say "dreambar" as we were eating lemon dreambars. Her Aunt Diana and I burst out laughing from how cute she said it. One of Alyssa's favorite things to do is watch Baby Einstein movies and bounce to the music. Whenever Alyssa gets fussy and all else fails to comfort her, just put on Baby Einstein and suddenly the world is right again.
Birthday with Whitakers
On April 5th Alyssa celebrated her first birthday at our home with Will's side of the family. We had a Disney Princess themed party, played pin the horn on the unicorn, played bingo, and opened presents. Grandma and Grandpa Whitaker each took turns holding her. As you can see, Alyssa has some anxiety towards all men, with the exception of her daddy.
Birthday with Hackings
Happy First Birthday, Alyssa! We celebrated with Julie's side of the family a few days before her birthday at Grandma and Grandpa's home. We had a great dinner, which Alyssa refused to eat much of and only wanted Cheetos. Cheetos are by far Alyssa's favorite food, even over chocolate cake!
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